A History of PunctuationHow we came to represent (through inky marks) the vagaries of the mind, inflections of the voice, and intensity of feeling.
I Stopped Using Exclamation Points and Lost All My FriendsAt the same time, I found a better way to make a point.
How to Use (or Not Use) a HyphenPlus: a brief digression into why The New Yorker hyphenates “teen-ager.”
The Commas That Cost Companies MillionsFor most people, a stray comma isn’t the end of the world. But in some cases, the exact placement of a punctuation mark can cost huge sums of money.
Can You Tell an Author’s Identity By Looking at Punctuation Alone?Research has found that an author’s use of punctuation can be extremely revealing.
The Mysterious History of the Ellipsis, From Medieval Subpuncting to Irrational NumbersThe punctuation mark of the ellipsis is perhaps the most unusual mark in the English language, for punctuation marks are designed to convey meaning by indicating relationships between ideas, but the ellipsis does the exact opposite. It simply indicates that something has been omitted.
Elitist, Superfluous, Or Popular? We Polled Americans on the Oxford CommaThere’s been a lot of ink spilled on the Oxford comma, the comma that goes before “and” in a list of three or more things. Is it a grammatical must or an unnecessary blight?
Definitive Ranking of English Grammar PunctuationOnce and for all, you can find the definitive ranking of English grammar punctuation here from worst to best (according to me).
The Best Grammar and Punctuation BooksIn the age of the internet, we are all writers. Correct grammar and punctuation are key to making a good impression. Grammar geek Mark Nichol, a writer at Daily Writing Tips, picks five of the best grammar and punctuation books, and tells us why bad grammar leads to anarchy.
Seven Bar Jokes Involving Grammar and PunctuationA comma splice walks into a bar, it has a drink and then leaves.