Struggling With Your Mental Health After Surviving a Disaster? Here’s How to Look After YourselfThere’s the initial shock and chaos in a collective disaster like the deadly and destructive California wildfires.
Brain Tissue May Contain Higher Amounts of Microplastics Than Other OrgansThe brain may contain higher -- and more significant -- amounts of microplastics than other organs in the body, according to a new study.
Bird Flu Crisis Enters New PhaseWhile the developments may not raise the risk of a pandemic, they could create more havoc for farmers, worsen egg shortages and expose surveillance gaps.
Vagus Nerve Stimulation May Tame Autoimmune DiseasesTiny pulses of electricity may provide the next big advance in treating diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
My Mom’s Obsession With Keeping a Perfect House Has Taken a Dark TurnI’m looking for advice on how to help my mom prioritize herself. She has always been a very giving and proud person—quashing her own desires to look after others, proud of the job she’s done being a stay-at-home mom, proud of having a clean house and chores being done properly.
‘I’m never going back to living like this’: how an innovative project is helping hoardersCarol has been trying to clear her home for two years but in her maelstrom of dishevelled possessions, there is still nowhere to sit – and barely anywhere to stand. To her, however, things look great.
This simple 12-minute yoga routine relieves hip pain and boosts lower body flexibilityA 12-minute hip mobility routine that releases tight hips and increases lower body flexibility? Yes, please. Just roll out one of the best yoga mats, and try these simple yoga exercises. As a yoga beginner, you might wonder if this routine is for you.
9 Everyday Stretches That Can Do Wonders For Your Sex LifeWe all know stretching comes with a host of benefits, including pain relief, better posture and reduced risk of injury. Now it’s time to consider adding it to your daily routine for another important reason: your sex life.
Try ‘Phone Free February’ to reduce screen time and improve your healthMany of us have been there: You go on your phone to check a notification or respond to a text, then end up scrolling through social media for the next 30 minutes. If this sounds like you and you want to be less tied to your phone, consider the “Phone Free February” challenge.
Want to Be More Successful This Year? Science Says Tackle Only 1 Goal at a TimeEven if you didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions (I don’t), you probably still want to make this year better. Maybe you want to start being healthier. Being more productive. Being more connected. Maybe you want to start a business. (Here’s the reason Steve Jobs said everyone should.)
Night owl or early bird? Here's how your inner clock impacts your healthDid the holidays mess up your sleep patterns? Maybe you stayed up late ringing in the new year, or changed time zones while traveling. Science journalist Lynne Peeples says the body's circadian rhythms are sensitive to many different types of changes — but especially to sunlight.
How Many Reps Does It Take to Build Muscle?BUILDING MUSCLE TAKES a plan. If you schlep to the gym four times a week, pick up a random pair of dumbbells, and do a few sets of random reps for a handful of exercises, your results aren’t going to last.
You'll never do sit-ups again after trying these 5 dumbbell ab exercises — according to a personal trainerIf you’re clicking on this dumbbell ab workout right now thinking — ”No, not sit-ups,” then we’ve got good news for you — there aren’t any. As a personal trainer, I believe sit-ups have a time and a place, but they’re not the holy grail of core exercises.
This is how we do it: ‘As I got older, I struggled to have an erection … then my wife introduced her alter ego, Miss Fifi’When Violet and I first got together almost 30 years ago, we had sex every night. That lasted for 12 years. We’d have sex in all kinds of different positions and she made it very exciting for me.