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One Entrepreneur’s Parenting and Productivity Cheat Sheet

Lucie Fink shares her go-to resources for making sense of to-do lists, building a community, and exploring different parenting styles.

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Read when you’ve got time to spare.

Back in 2015, I became the face of Refinery29, producing and hosting their hit YouTube series. These days, I’m still in front of (and behind!) the camera, but under very different circumstances: I run my own media company and am a parent to a small child—two very important roles that I’m always striving to learn more about.

When I first started Lucie Fink Media, I was convinced that being my own boss would be way easier than working for somebody else. But I’ve learned that when you’re the only one in charge, it can become incredibly tricky, incredibly quickly. I am constantly seeking a healthier work-life balance and forever seeking articles that make me feel seen in my quest for it—as well as provide the kind of tips I can bring into my day to day life.

Being a mom is similar: I'm on a (seemingly never-ending) quest to be the best parent I possibly can be to my son. But that desire is often met with a wall of noise from the internet—something I hear a lot from my friends as well. When every article is telling you how to be the best parent, how do you know which ones to trust? It can feel overwhelming and counterintuitive. That’s why I rely on Pocket for saving and sharing pieces from sources I trust—I can cut through the noise and consume the stories that matter on my own time.

I consider this collection of articles my cheat sheet for exploring new ways to up my game—I’m excited to share it here with hopes that one, or a few of these pieces might offer you the kind of support you’re searching for at the moment. If so, I recommend signing up for a Pocket account and saving these to your own personal (private!) Pocket so you can read them whenever you like. You know, in all that free time we have. –Lucie Fink

The Ultimate Guide To Productivity Methods

Amy Maoz

Lucie Fink: “Is your to-do list working out for you? Turns out, there are different methods that work better for different personalities. I’m taking a second look at my current system after reading this.”

Setting Boundaries at Work: Why It’s Time to Start Putting Your Out of Office Response on 24/7

Lauren Geall

LF: “Do you ever feel anxious about the amount of push notifications you get throughout the day? (Guilty!) One of the biggest game-changers I’ve found for combating life’s overwhelming distractions is actually pretty simple: keeping an out of office response on 24/7. Don’t knock it ‘til you try it! This article goes over a few of the benefits and shows you how to set strong boundaries around your day-to-day work.”

You Don’t Need to Be a Parent to Build Meaningful Relationships With Kids

Alex Hazlett

LF: “In seasons of weakness, there truly is a strength that comes from knowing you have people in your circle that will always be there for you. Similarly, there’s comfort in knowing that you can be counted on by your community. In short, people need people. And as a parent, I want my child to see this principle modeled in his life. This article breaks it down really well.”

Stop Pretending That Intensive Parenting Doesn’t Work

Nate G. Hilger
The Atlantic

LF: “Parenting styles can be especially overwhelming to read about. That’s why I appreciate this Atlantic piece on intensive parenting that takes a data-driven approach to how kids benefit from it. Even if you are reading to pull out specific tips that work for you, it’s a helpful guide to the topic.”

Don’t Punish Your Kids if You Want Them to Grow up Resilient

Aditi Shrikant

LF: “More parenting style reading! This time about Responsive Parenting. It looks like this way of relating to your child has a big impact on their resiliency (and overall well-being). Intriguing, right? I have definitely spent time switching back and forth between these last two articles, comparing and contrasting the parts that feel right for my family. Maybe you can too?”

The Health Benefits of a Random Act of Kindness

Sandee LaMotte

LF: “A few years ago, I went on a ‘happiness binge’ and read as many books as I possibly could about happiness. I even took a free online course from Yale about the science of happiness! Now, whenever I come across an article on the topic, I save it so that I have my own online library of little happiness boosts. Including this one on the power of random acts of kindness.”

Lucie Fink

Lucie Fink is a content creator, lifestyle host, 2x TEDx speaker, and stop-motion artist living in New York City. Her engaging, high-quality content reaches an audience of millions across her various social platforms, and she’s built an incredibly loyal following that looks to her for inspiration, motivation, and entertainment. A 2014 graduate from Johns Hopkins University, she graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a degree in creative writing and a concentration in film. In 2015, she became the face of Refinery29, where she created, produced, and hosted their two hit YouTube series, “Try Living with Lucie” and “Lucie for Hire.” Today, she runs her own media company, Lucie Fink Media, where creates original lifestyle content across Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and more.