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‘No Longer Invisible:’ Celebrating API Representation

Tune into Mozilla’s multimedia playlist of stories, songs, and organizations devoted to Asian and Pacific Islander representation

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In May, Mozillians united in virtual spaces to celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. The big theme behind Moz API’s festivities this year was “No longer invisible,” which was inspired by the rise of API representation in media, products, food, and politics. When we see more people and cultures we can relate to, we ourselves feel ‘seen.’

While Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month has passed, our stories go on! The API community is no monolith, and we continue to explore and celebrate the intersectional experiences that make us who we are--with confidence and pride. Wrapping up LGBTQ+ Pride Month, we are now heading into South Asian Heritage Month in the United Kingdom. There are lots of stories to celebrate!

Image by Bulgnn / Getty Images