Pocket worthyStories to fuel your mind

18 Tales of Curious Pursuits and Offbeat Obsessions

From Cheeto to mosquito collecting, not all hobbies are created equal.

Pocket Collections

Read when you’ve got time to spare.

Some people spend years chasing mythical beasts, while others track down strangers’ graves or collect rare Cheetos and old beer cans. Dive in for a delightful exploration of some surprisingly fulfilling preoccupations.

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Plane Spotting for Sanity

Kea Krause

Plane spotting can be a soothing sky-watching habit, but its community also regards itself as a coterie of amateur detectives.

The Man Who Hunts ‘Hidden’ Radioactive Objects

Chris Baraniuk

Most of us try to avoid radiation, but not Andrew Walker, who collects radioactive objects. The surprising part? These items can be found in antiques shops, parking lots, and buildings everywhere.